Can users test both online and via paper/pencil?

Yes, ROSworks provides online testing in our TestNav™-like testing environment — simulating end-of-year state testing — and paper testing via locally-printed test bubble sheets, or even a combination of online and paper, if desired.

For paper-based bubble sheet testing, ROSworks provides scanning stations for each school. ROS bubble sheets are printed on local printers at the school.

What different kinds of item types does ROSworks offer?

ROSworks offers Multiple Choice, Open-Ended, Numeric Fill-in-the-Blank, Word Fill-in-the-Blank, Hot Spot, Drag and Drop, Graphing Hot Spot, Matching, In-line Multiple Fill-in-the-Blank, Multiple Response, Drop Down Multiple Choice Text, Matching, Unlimited Item Multiple Choice (no distractor limit), True/False and more.

Is ROSworks web-based and which browsers does it support?

Yes, ROSworks is a web-based program and currently officially supports Internet Explorer 9+. ROSworks unofficially supports Mozilla Firefox.

What technical requirements are needed to implement ROS?

ROSworks is a web-based program, and as such does not require any programs to be installed on a computer. It can be accessed from any location on any device with high-speed internet capabilities.

Presently, the TEI item types require that Adobe Flash be installed. Our testing interface does NOT support Chrome. (We're working it!)

How many items does ROSworks offer?

ROSworks can currently offer over 25,000 items (both online and in paper form) from our associated company's premium Tests for Higher Standards (TfHS) bank of items across all four subject areas in grades Kindergarten through 12 and End-of-Course. Items are tagged with information such as state standard, strand and cognitive level where applicable. ROSworks also offers over 6,000 Technology Enhanced Item Types across grades 2-12 in the four core subject areas.

ROSworks also gives VA users access to all released VDOE items for use online or on paper.

What subject areas does ROSworks offer questions for?

ROSworks offers items for testing in all four core subject areas of Math, English Language Arts (both Reading and Writing), Science and History/Social Studies for grades Kindergarten through 12 and EOC.

Who writes your content and testing materials?

ROSworks, together with our associated company, TfHS, has Content Specialists on staff covering all of the subject areas and grade levels based on their knowledge and expertise. To add to this, all of the items in our banks have either been written by or reviewed by real teachers in their specialty areas, not to mention have been under constant review by our clients over the past 14 years. Additionally, ROSworks also has Content Reviewers on staff that proof-read and review all content offered and entered into the ROSworks item database. Putting all these factors together allows us to provide a solid offering to our clients which only get better over time.

Does the online testing environment offer the same tools as the state test?

Yes, ROS’ TestNav™-like environment accurately simulates the state testing software operation. The ROS interface allows students to flag questions for review, and provides students an an end-of-test review. It also lets test makers enable various tools; highlighter, eliminator, eraser, rulers (centimeters or inches), protractor, calculator, two straightedge options, and a periodic table.

What types of reports do you have and are they teacher-friendly?

The reports in ROS are the most advanced in-depth and powerful reports available in a testing system as compared to other vendors. ROS offers item analysis, matrix, progress and multi-category reports which can be aggregated and disaggregated according to standard, strand, No Child Left Behind, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) categories.

Our newest reporting feature, Named Report Templates, allow for teachers to customize their reporting experience and create custom report templates. These Named Reports create a user-friendly reporting environment and are built for ease of use and quick referencing of data on-the-fly.

Can ROS report the results of more than one test at the same time?

Yes, ROSworks is able to report on up to 8 different tests at once. This is helpful when comparing pre-tests, post-tests, benchmarks, and other assessments over time.

How secure are the tests and results in ROS?

ROSworks prides itself on having the highest level of security for building, administering and reporting on tests. ROSworks has the ability to sequester tests and their items as well as keep scores and data in a safe and secure location. Teachers are only allowed access to data from their own students.

All the school-related data is the property of our clients and is never disclosed to outside parties.

How secure is the student information ROS is given access to?

Teacher and student data is kept completely confidential and is not shared with any 3rd parties.

The ROS roster update process supports encrypted and automated data transfers, after which the roster data is stored in our database that no 3rd parties can access. The roster data is sent from your SIS to ROS, on your schedule, (not pulled from the SIS by ROS), guaranteeing that ROS can only obtain information that you choose to provide.

What other clients or districts are currently using ROSworks?

ROSworks has provided its personalized assessment services in more than 80 districts across Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. We are also working to make ROS available to even more states soon.

Can teachers write their own questions?

Yes, ROSworks allows for users to create their own multiple choice items for use on their school or district assessments. ROSworks has several methods for creating items which include importing tests from programs such as Microsoft Word and Pearson ExamView, or writing them from scratch using our Item Editor.

Does ROSworks have a Math Equation Editor?

ROSworks currently has a fully functional Equation Editor available for use while creating and editing test items in the ROS Test Editor.

What is ROSworks’ response time?

ROSworks prides itself on our support and customer service. Our support team responds promptly and in a timely fashion to phone calls and emails within the regular operating schedule of 8AM–7PM. Voice messages and emails left outside of these hours are responded to no later than the following morning.

Does ROS support mobile technology?

Honestly, this is a work in progress. All parts of ROS work well on most platforms and browsers, excepting the student testing interface.

The student testing interface works well with IE8, IE11, Edge, and recent versions of Firefox. We are currently working on making the student testing environment work with Chrome. Android, and Apple products browsers will be next. (Jan. 2017)